Hamilton Pool Preserve

Travis County Park Rangers

Travis County Park Rangers patrol approximately 14,500 acres of county-owned or managed park and preserve lands on a regular basis to protect visitors, the natural environment and park facilities. Established in 1994, the park ranger program has grown with the county park system, and rangers are now responsible for public and staff safety in over 30 parks and numerous preserve tracts. Park Rangers are responsible for the overall safety of visitors and staff, and for the security and protection of parks, preserves and open space lands that are County-owned or managed. Officers enforce State and County laws, educate visitors regarding park rules, patrol by foot, bicycle, vehicle and other means, and when necessary, apprehend and arrest violators. With the exponential growth of our system and the Austin area, park officers find themselves performing law enforcement functions a majority of their time. Duties include enforcement of the Texas Penal Code, Lower Colorado River Authority regulations, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code (including the Texas Water Safety Act), and relevant provisions of other Texas laws.

Park Rangers do all the things that any peace officer might do. They conduct investigations, participate in search and rescue operations, provide for public safety, and perform emergency management functions, including working natural disasters and homeland security operations. They also assist other agencies (especially the Travis County Sheriff’s Office) by taking calls for service when deputies are far away or tied up on other calls and they back up other agency officers on Priority calls, such as collisions, disturbances, and assaults.

Park Rangers are also State-certified Emergency Medical Technicians (Basic level) and respond to various calls throughout the park system and Travis County.

On their lighter side, park officers present public programs, staff booths at events, provide park and area information to visitors, rescue injured wild animals found in parks, participate in park volunteer events, and get to know and appreciate the regular park visitors.

In case of emergencies, please call 9-1-1. Park Police are dispatched by the Travis County Sheriff’s Office and Austin-area medical 9-1-1 systems. So, no matter the emergency, our park officers will respond.
TC Parks
Travis County Official Web Site


Assistant Chief, Parks