WARNING: Remember, your computer may be monitored by your abuser. Be safe - call for immediate help or use a friend's or a public library's computer to access resources for help.
Every year, more than 200,000 Texans were victims of domestic violence. Many more cases go unreported. Are you among them? What does domestic violence look like? It takes many forms, but here are some classic behaviors an abuser will use to keep you under his/her control.

Isolates you from family and friends
Threatens or intimidates you and others
Harms you physically or verbally abuses you
Undermines your self worth
Reminds you that you deserve whatever happens to you
Tells you what to think, say, wear, or do
Scares you into silence
If you find yourself in a relationship that is confusing or hurtful or you suspect a loved one might be in an abusive relationship - help does exist. Our resource page can help lead you in the right direction.

Weapon Surrender Program (Learn More...)

Helpful Links

Austin/Travis County Family Violence Task Force (A/TCFVTF)
Family Violence Task Force (

Since the Austin/Travis County Family Violence Task Force was created in 1989, Constable Precinct 5 has worked alongside A/TCFVTF and other concerned members of the community to improve the criminal justice system’s response to family violence by increasing communication among advocates, law enforcement and prosecution.

Often for victims leaving their home can be very difficult. When referred from one of the Austin/Travis County Family Violence Task Force members, Constable 5 deputies provide support for victims of domestic violence by helping victims retrieve their possessions safely during disturbance standbys.

Constable 5 "Men as Allies” is a A/TCFVTF member which educates young men and women by promoting healthy relationships to reduce domestic violence through education and awareness.  Men as Allies received “Best Practices” recognition from the Texas Association of Counties which shares this program to counties Statewide.


Travis County Attorney's Office (512) 854-9498
Family Violence (

File for a two-year protective order and representation in court at no charge if your case is accepted.

SafePlace - (512) 267-SAFE (7233)
Home Page - The SAFE Alliance (

SafePlace has a hotline answered 24 hours a day. Call them to create a Safety Plan, to get counseling for you or your children, or if you have left home and your family needs a place to stay. SafePlace also has counseling for rape survivors and provides legal advocacy.

Texas Advocacy Project (1-800-374-HOPE (4673)
Texas Advocacy Project

Assistance for victims of teen dating violence through the Teen Justice Initiative.

American Gateways (512) 478-0546
American Gateways | Immigration Advocacy | Texas

Resource advocacy and legal assistance for immigrant victims of domestic abuse.

Texas Council on Family Violence - (512) 794-1133
Texas Council on Family Violence | Family Violence Support & Prevention (