Warrants- Misdemeanor & Felony
For assistance with warrants call the Constable 5 help line at 512-854-9582 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, weekends and child support warrants you can call the AG hotline at 1-800-252-8014. For other warrants call Travis County Sheriff Office at 512-854-9751.
Warrant deputies execute Misdemeanor and Felony warrants. They give particular attention to criminal warrants involving family violence and child support. Deputies work closely with the Texas Attorney General's office in child support matters and with other agencies in locating fugitives.
The warrant deputies are experienced and motivated to execute civil attachments and criminal warrants.
Class C Warrants
The Class C Warrants team helps citizens clear up their JP5 Class C misdemeanors and tickets. Currently your Driver's License can be suspended until you take care of these legal obligations.
The Class C Warrants team helps citizens clear up their JP5 Class C misdemeanors and tickets. Currently your Driver's License can be suspended until you take care of these legal obligations.
We make it easy. There's no waiting in line to pay. Constable Pct 5 accepts money orders and provides an immediate receipt for proof of payment. We also accept credit cards by phone or in person (there is an additional 3% convenience fee charged by the credit card companies).
If you live out of state and have made prior arrangements with us, you may make payments by mail with the following:
1) A listing of the case number(s), date(s), and charge(s).
2) Your full name, address, and phone number.
3) A money order made payable to "Carlos B. Lopez" or "Travis County Constable, Precinct 5"
Send the letter and payment to:
Constable Carlos B. Lopez
Travis County Constable Precinct 5
Attn: Class C Warrants - NC
POB 1748
Austin, TX 78767
Understanding Class C Warrants for Unpaid Tickets
Q. What is a capias and why do I have one in my file?
Q. What is a capias and why do I have one in my file?
A. A capias is a warrant or order for arrest of a person, typically issued by a judge. You have already been charged and entered a plea for an offense but the court shows that you have not yet completed your community service, paid your fine, etc. Once a capias has been issued, you must either pay your fine or go to jail.
Q. How long are tickets good for? Is there a statute of limitations?
A. There is no statute of limitation on tickets. If you don't clear your record, a warrant can be issued which adds additional fees over and above your fine. Filed tickets may be many years old when they are processed for warrant roundups. Any unpaid ticket can keep you from renewing your driver's license until it is taken care of.
Q. I received a ticket but the court didn't notify me of when and where I was supposed to appear, shouldn't I have heard something?
A. Whenever you sign a ticket you are obligated to appear before the judge of the specified court within 30 days. That information is listed on the bottom of your ticket. You do not receive a notice in the mail or reminder call. It is up to you to make sure that you follow up.
Q. Can I pay for my Class C warrants on a payment plan?
A. Precinct Five is not allowed to accept partial payment on warrants. However, you can pay off warrants one at a time or charge them to your credit card (a 3% convenience fee applies). Until they are all paid off, you risk being arrested if you are stopped by law enforcement.
Q. Trying to park downtown is a hassle, is there any way I can pay my Class C tickets so that it's convenient for me?
A. Precinct Five's Class C officers will meet you at your home, business or other location in the city of Austin to receive your payment (cash, money or credit card). Officers wear business casual and drive unmarked cars. They'll give you a receipt on the spot. Just call 512-854-5557 to schedule a time.
Q. Is there a way to pay my tickets over the Internet?
A. The county now has an on-line payment portal where you can pay your JP5 fines and fees 24/7. Please read all the instructions before proceeding to the link.
Q. If I don't have the money to pay the fine for my ticket, can I just go to jail?
A. You can go to jail but there is no guarantee of how much credit will be given towards paying off your obligations. Also, do you really want a jail record to show up in a background check when applying for a job? If you can't pay now, the best solution is to save some money each week and set it aside until you have enough to pay your fine(s).
Q. I live in another state now, why should I be concerned about a ticket I received in Travis County?
A. Today government agencies have computer databases that cross state boundaries. An old offense in Austin could show up on you record in New York and you may not be able to renew your driver's license there until it is paid.
Frequently Asked Questions for clearing Warrants
Where can I check to see if I have an outstanding warrant?
Where can I check to see if I have an outstanding warrant?
the Travis County Sheriff’s Department records.
Check DPS
to see a listing of offenses which would need to be cleared in order to renew
your Driver’s License. Contact information for the various courts is provided. Call our hotline – (512) 854-5557.
Where can I pay my Class C JP5, City of Lakeway, City of West Lake Hills, and City of Horseshoe Bay warrants?
Call our Class C Warrants hotline at (512) 854-5557.
Travis County JP5 warrants can also be paid on line (See Above).
What payment methods are accepted?
Constable 5 accepts cash, cashier’s check, money orders, and major credit cards.
Can partial payments be made on warrants?
Constable 5 does not accept partial payments. All warrants have to be paid in full for
them to be cleared from the system.
After I pay a warrant, how long does it take it to be cleared in the DPS system?
It can take 7-10 days for DPS to clear a warrant from their system. Be sure to retain the receipts you receive as proof of payment.
Pay Your JP5 Warrants Online
Although Travis County Justice of the Peace Courts and Constable Offices make every effort to ensure that the information provided is accurate, neither Travis County nor any agency, officer, elected official or employee of Travis County, warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information on the website and shall not be liable for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information, including, but not limited to incidental and consequential damages.